Doula Nana

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Birthing Services:

Summarized from my birth contract from Childbirth International

My Prenatal and Birth Obligations and Duties:

Click here to contact me!

Services in Brief

I offer up to two prenatal visits to prepare you and your partner for the coming event. And, I'm on call 24/7 for two weeks before and after your due date! PLUS: If you have questions please don't hesitate to text or call me. I'm all yours once you become my clients!

I'll be with you almost from the moment you enter the hospital or when I'm called to your home until you bring your baby into the world. I'll be with you every step of the way helping you make the best informed decisions to keep you and your baby safe. And, I won't leave you until he or she latches onto you, or I know that you're safe.

After you're home and have settled in I'll schedule a post partum visit and if you allow me, I'll hold your baby. I love this moment!