Doula Nana (Retired)

As of July 2024 I have Retired!


Due to this fact, I still offer all my services if requested following ODH, CDC and WHO guidelines, these include:

NOTE: As regulations fortunately have changed most Northern Ohio Hospitals allow Doulas to be present. As of today all do alow this, but please check with your provider and hospital.-->

Your Miracle is on its way!

What life has taught me ...

Giving birth is like no other life changing event. As your Doula I will guide you with the spirit of a mother, the love of a sister and the strength of a grandmother. Birth has an eternal quality and a special holiness.

Birth is a time filled with the light of grace. Birth will forever imprint itself not only in your mind but, more importantly, in your heart.

Your body knows what to do. My task is simply to reassure you and sustain your focus in that underlying truth!

I ask that you allow me the honor of helping you have the birth you desire. I will be your strong advocate and offer you myself as an emotional rock when the waves of labor wash over you.

I know how important it is to be nurtured, not judged, supported, not ignored, cherished as the birthing woman you are and not as a patient that someone thinks they need to rush for any reason except the safety of your child and you.

I will help you with what your body tells you it needs. I can chant with you, dance and sing with you, walk or sit with you, be silent and just be a steady presence for the duration of your labor. And, with the help of your partner and the medical staff, we will help bring your baby gently through to be with you.

I am a mother and I am a nana ...

Because I fill these roles, I want to tell you that, like my childbirths, your birth is going to give you a unique and newfound perspective on life. You are about to become a mama! It is a role that I myself not only understand but also treasure.

Yes, years after the coming event you will recall exact quotes of what professionals or relatives at the birth said to you, the exact emotions you felt before, during and after labor, down to the smallest detail.

You will be able to describe the length of each of your labors and even the very smell and feel of your newborn's downy skin. And, you will be able to relive the entire range of emotions, those that overwhelmed you and those that elated you during the entire birth and post birth experience.

What I offer you: Childbirth can be a door into a story you have yet to write! With my knowledge and experience as a mother, a nana and my doula training with Childbirth International, I will help you walk through that door to the next fulfilling chapter of your life.

First, we will discusss your ideas and even fears surrounding childbirth. I look forward to establishing a trusting relationship so we can work on your birth plan.

We can discuss and even practice positions, relaxation techniques and breathing exercises for your coming labor. I will come to your home or meet you at the hospital during labor whenever you feel the need of my support.

I can even write up a short birth story for you after baby has arrived. I can include details you may have forgotten but that were highlights and put down in words, you and your birth partner's triumphs as you labored to give birth to your child!